Wood Turners |
Description of Carl Jacobsen Demo – Basket Illusion – Nov. 15, 2017 The main demo was to create a hollow for basket illusion. The steps in the demo were to turn a hollow form, and then use a beading tool to evenly bead the outside of the form from the opening to the tenon. He then attached an indexing wheel to the lathe spindle and used a pin to index the form while using a burning tool to make lines, again from the lip of the opening to the tenon. The burning tool rests on a platform in the tool rest to keep the burner even with the lathe centerline. The purpose of the lines is two-fold. One to create the basket weave effect and second, to prevent bleeding of the ink he used to color the basket. He used a fine brush pen to add the colors. The main steps are pictured below. Hover over the image to see description and click to view full size. |